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Phonics and early reading

At Hookstone Chase Primary School we aim to provide a rigorous and sequential approach to early reading, underpinned by high quality, systematic phonics teaching.

Systematic synthetic phonics teaching is delivered through the scheme, ‘Supersonic Phonic Friends’ and begins within the first three weeks of children starting in our Reception provision.

All children in Reception and Year One will have access to daily phonics teaching sessions. As children move into Year Two, the sounds are embedded with an emphasis on spelling and further support is provided for children requiring more practice in decoding and blending.

About Supersonic Phonic Friends

The scheme provides an interactive and engaging approach to phonics, including actions for each sound.

Children are quickly taught to apply sounds taught to blending words and simple captions and sentences.They are taught to use phonics skills and knowledge as the first approach to reading but they are also taught to read high frequency words that may not follow the phonic rules they have learnt.

The daily sessions follow a set pattern, providing opportunities for blending and segmenting and incorporating rhyming words and chants. Pseudo-words are also introduced and practised in preparation for the ‘Phonics Screening Check’.

Reading at home

All children progressing through the phonics scheme will take home reading books aligned with their phonics knowledge.

Reading books have been organised into numerical levels in accordance with the phonics scheme used.

Parents are encouraged to support children at home by engaging with their reading books. A workshop is run for parents in Year One to help them understand and support with the requirements of the ‘Phonics Screening Check’.

Developing a passion for reading

In addition to our high quality phonics teaching, children are exposed to focus texts in literacy sessions, during which we develop skills in comprehension and understanding of new vocabulary.

Vocabulary development is also a central aim of ‘Supersonic Phonic Friends’, with words that children may be unfamiliar with introduced in line with new sounds. The wider importance of speaking and listening skills and effective interactions is recognised as central to our provision in the EYFS.

The pleasure and enjoyment found in books is embedded in our Reception and Key Stage One classes, for example through opportunities to explore stories through playful activities, re-telling, role play and exciting hooks.

Children begin accessing our school library during their time in Reception, giving them the opportunity to borrow and share a wide range of books with their families. Staff also share a variety of books during story time sessions. Books are available in all classrooms in reading areas and around the classroom e.g. linked to topic areas.

We take part in reading events and activities linked to ‘World Book Day’ and our infant children are invited to share books after school read by members of staff during our ‘infant story night’.

Progress and support

Formative assessments are used on an ongoing basis to identify children’s progress in phonics and reading and group children where preferable to meet needs.

Termly data is also collected by the phonics subject leader to analyse attainment at school level.

Children requiring extra support with early reading and phonics are quickly identified and supported through individual or group catch up sessions as appropriate. This may also include opportunities for pre and post teaching based on the phonics material covered in class. This support continues into Key Stage Two for specific children as required and in conjunction with the SEN coordinator.